Outdoor Ad Systems, LLC

The following contains all information regarding costs, run time, advertisements, and production.

What is the cost ?

The cost per panel varies from $125 to $425.

How soon can i run a campaign?

Campaigns go live 14 days after receiving print ready graphics. In a rush? We can launch seven days from receipt of creative for a rush job

Where do lunch truck / food truck go?

Truck routes include construction sites, industrial sites, manufacturers, schools, colleges, military bases and more. In addition to regular routes, trucks have the freedom to stop wherever a population is congregating.

How do you know?

We track the routing of our leased vehicles on a monthly basis through GPS and routing sheets that are voluntarily submitted by our food truck partners.

What is the intergrity of the material?

Our posters have a 12-month display life with UV coating. However, we suggest that the material be rotated every 3 months to maintain integrity under the harsh cleaning environment required by the Health Department.

What kind of ads can you run on food trucks?

Our posters have a 12-month display life with UV coating. However, we suggest that the material be rotated every 3 months to maintain integrity under the harsh cleaning environment required by the Health Department.

Is category exclusivity offered / Guaranteed?

For premium we can offer exclusivity. However, as a policy we do not place competing brands on the same truck.

How many advertisers can adverties on a signle truck?

With multiple product offerings on each truck, 3 to 5 advertisers could technically be represented on one vehicle.

How often can the creative be changed out without an incremental cost?

Never. Once the showing is installed the ad will run until the expiration point or a change of ad copy is requested. The cost of changing out a showing is $60 per panel.

Are any time periods already sold out?

Yes. Once your market request is received, they will be verified with our inventory, and reserved once the advertising agreement is executed and payment is received at our office in Orange County, Ca.

How are my client and I protected from the business of industrial catering?

OAS carries a $5,000,000 general liability insurance and requires our leassors to have the same. At your request, you can be included as an additional insurer.

Define the source for your impression estimates?

OAS contracted an independent marketing firm to conduct market studies, which are the numbers we represent. In addition, we overlay that data with the BLS and other compilers to make our representations.

Does the media cost include production?

No. Production is quoted separately and can be fulfilled by your provider.

Is the intial install included in the media cost?


Any additional costs?

Creative and printing are not included.

What is the differrnce from OAS and the other new companies offering advertising on MVF's?

OAS has forged relationships grounded in long-term leases with commissary owners and truck owners. We offer space that we have exclusive rights to.

I have been quoted pricing that is less yours. Why such a variance?

OAS has royalties and legal obligations to compensate its partners and guarentee your camapigns. Other “providers” do not have leases and therefore can bootleg without paying leases or simply no post campaigns.